
Communicate with your athletes on the chat to deliver any message you want.

Michael Kanner avatar
Written by Michael Kanner
Updated over a week ago


Famer offers a high-end chat tool so coaches could communicate with their athletes, share news and announcements, send motivational messages or share media files such as images, videos and youtube links.

Chat With Your Athletes

On the ‘Roster’ tab coaches are able to see the list of athletes connected to them on Famer, coaches may toggle between their list of athletes and their list of groups.

Media Files

Coaches and athletes may send media files on the chat through the + icon on the chat input field.

Youtube Links

Youtube links that would be shared on the chat could be watched within Famer for a better watching experience.

Drill Video Responses

Drill video responses would be sent automatically to the coach as they are uploaded by the athletes.

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